I Can Read Campaign

• It is a well documented fact that children from Std. 3rd – Std.8th are often unable to read a simple text. In order to test this, a campaign has been developed called “I Can Read “which tests the child’s fluency in reading based on the language medium of the school that they attend.

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• This campaign was conducted in both the schools as well the slum communities. The objectives of the campaign are that they motivate and encourage the children into reading and help create awareness among the other children, parents, teachers, principals and other community members regarding the gaps in their reading levels. Another objective is to identify those who encounter difficulty while reading and let it be known to the concerned teacher and parent so that the child’s fluency in reading will improve.
• It also helps the Pratham team to identify certain areas in which the child’s reading proficiency is low so that possible interventions could be conducted in those areas in order to improve the overall learning level of the children and participation of the parents.

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