Annual Program 2018
Organized by
: Palvi Education Trust and WNS Cares Foundation

The purpose of the event was to celebrate the success of the ongoing intervention and to capture some of the experiences of the children. It was a platform for the children to showcase their talents and express themselves through various performances such as dance, singing and speaking. It was also an opportunity for the children to speak openly about the impact the program has had on their learning levels and their interest to learn.

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  • The Dignitaries’ from the WNS Cares Foundation congratulated the children regarding their achievements in their learning improvement and most importantly developing the interest and curiosity to always keep learning.
  • The children also mentioned that through the Van Library Program that their confidence in speaking and writing as well their knowledge has greatly improved.
  • The trainer monitors reflections and thoughts on the program were that the children have now started coming to the van library alot more and reading different books. The children are enjoying all the activities that take place as part of the program. Most importantly the children enjoy the trophies that are given to them during the program as they have never received one before. In one school a teacher asked the children to bring their trophies to the class to show the other students. The children brought the trophies and were congratulated by the other students. The teacher encouraged the other students to go visit and be a part of the van library program as it has benefitted these students. All this has provided alot of motivation for the children which is why they keep returning to the library and others are also encouraged to visit as well.
  • The program began at 10:30 with a welcome and felicitation to all the dignitaries . This was followed by different performances by the children such as cultural dances, singing, skits and short speeches. The children were also felicitated by the dignitaries and all the participants were thanked for continuing to make this program a success.
  • There were 80 children from 4 Van Libraries, 30 Parents ,30 Staff from the Palvi Education Trust ,2 Volunteers from WNS Cares Foundation, 2 Trustees from Palvi Education Trust and 2 Dignitaries’ from WNS Cares Foundation. The Chief Guests were Mrs. Shamini Murugresh and Mr. Rahul Kulkarni from WNS Cares Foundation
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